Hope in the 23rd Psalm
Feb 2015 123“The Lord is my shepherd, I shall not want.
He makes me lie down in green pastures;
He leads me beside quiet waters.
He restores my soul;
He guides me in paths of righteousness
For His name’s sake.”
Psalm 23:1-3
There is so much hope in this one little Psalm. Jesus is the Good Shepherd. He is a shepherd that I can trust. With His leading and watch care, I won’t want for anything. I am satisfied in Him and He teaches me to be content in all things. He takes me to luscious pastures – fields full of green grass where I fill up quickly and lie down to rest. He leads me beside quiet waters where I get my fill of His peace and grace and love and joy. He restores my soul. Why did my soul need to be restored? From my own sins, from others’ sins, and from Satan. He carries me in His arms until I am whole again and can walk on my own. Then He leads me to the green pastures and quiet waters once again.
Is your life a picture of peaceful existence? Do you fill up with God’s love and promises each morning so that you can be at rest and able to trust through each day? Are you drinking from the quiet waters of God’s word? He has led you there, but you must choose to drink.
He will lead you in ways of righteousness. He promises never to allow you to be tempted beyond what you can handle and He promises to provide a way of escape for you. (1 Corinthians 10:13) Are you choosing a life of integrity and righteousness?
Our God is a God of order and peace. If you are living a life of chaos or are burned out, then you are not resting in Him. “In repentance and rest you will be saved, in quietness and trust is your strength.” (Isaiah 30:15).