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  • On This Day: A Daily Guide to Spiritual Lessons from American History

    Daily Devotional for One Year $25.00

    It is the rare devotional that actually applies, exemplifies biblical teaching, and gets passed on from reader to reader. On This Day is just such a book. It is a riveting devotional that the entire family can enjoy and learn from together. Through the course of one year, this historically-based devotional will guide you through the pages of American history. You will experience America’s early years as witnessed by our nation’s citizens and presidents. Through daily studies and historical accounts, you will learn how this nation was truly founded on faith. Accompanied by a daily Scripture and prayer, On This Day will challenge you and your family to consider your American heritage in action and apply the Scripture and prayers to your daily lives.

    As a chaplain in the U.S. Army for 24 years and a current pastor, Dr. Paul Barkey knows how to relate biblical truth in relevant ways. His ability to recognize the hand of God in everyday occurrences makes him uniquely qualified to write a devotional based on the remarkable sense of Providence that guided the formation of this nation. Far from being simple history lessons with a Bible verse thrown in for good measure, Dr. Barkey shows that God’s unmistakable fingerprints are all over American history. More importantly, he connects biblical and American history with an eye to the present, being ever mindful to apply the lessons of history to the questions of today. On This Day is great not only for individual reading but also works well as a quick and easy lesson book for family devotions.

  • On This Day in Church Mission History: Spiritual Lesson from Martyrs, Missionaries, and Ministries

    Daily Devotional for One Year $25.00

    This daily devotional of 365 short stories and prayers is full of inspiring biographies of people of faith who ventured out to seek ways of winning others to Christ Jesus. As you read this book, you will discover men and women of different periods of history, many nationalities, races, and denominational traditions who had one thing in common: they were all committed to following Jesus Christ wherever He might lead them, but in very different historical contexts. Here you will find evangelists, hymn writers, poets, businessmen and women, pastors and teachers, clergy and laity, missionaries, martyrs, and others. Many worked primarily in the church, others in political life, some in business. But all were serious disciples of Jesus Christ. As such they are models for us. All of them sought to use the gifts God had given them for His glory.

  • On this Day in Kansas History: Spiritual Lessons from the Heartland

    Daily Devotional for One Year $25.00

    Like Paul Barkey’s other devotional books, this includes a daily devotion for each day of the year. He found something that happened on each day of the year in Kansas history and wrote a short story about it along with a biblical application and prayer. Great for individuals and families. Topics are extremely diverse from Indians and early settlement to politicians, rogues, the civil war, architecture, writers, engineers, and much more. The history included is accurate and includes lots of little tidbits as well as major happenings.

  • Faces of Truth: Collection of Historical Biographies

    100 Christians that influenced America (Hardback) $32.95

    Premise for this book about famous Christians

    In 1988 Douglas and Norma Latta accepted in their spirits an extremely strong unction to begin developing artistic portraits and mini-biographies of famous highly achieving movers and shakers from our history, all of whom were outspoken Christians. These Christian testimonies represent examples of how faith formed and how it sustains our nation. The work on this book has continued from 1988 until this present time. America’s greatness was built on the Bible and Judeo-Christian principles.

    This book is dedicated to helping restore this fact of America’s historical truth. Since World War II American culture has been aggressively pushed in the direction of depravity by irresponsible entertainment, news media led by committed secularists and disingenuous educators’ desire to ignore and abolish our Christian heritage.

    America has never been without flaws. Her worst and most obvious flaw has always been her acceptance of slavery. It was Christians in America and England who, applying Biblical principles pressed relentlessly for the abolition of slavery which ended this terrible sin. Also, through our founding American jurists, the Bible has been the source of America’s legal system.

    The subjects in this book are:

    • Not clergy (some became clergy later)
    • All deceased
    • Of both genders
    • Representative of most major professions
    • Representative of many races

    This book of Christian testimonies is intended to:

    • Edify and inspire Christian families with the knowledge of how God’s hand has been on their nation through the faith of born-again believers in Jesus; the things they were taught in public school notwithstanding.
    • Be an educational tool in Christian schools and to home schools by academically documenting the Christian truth of our heritage; and by exposing our secularists’ academic disingenuousness.
    • Be an evangelical tool in Christian homes in the form of an artistically attractive coffee table book clearly available to all who visit their home. The art in this book is intended to be the “hook” of attraction for this book.