Contentment Can Be Yours!

“I have learned, in whatsoever state I am, therewith to be content.”
Philippians 4:11

Paul records these words as he sits in prison. It was a lesson well learned. Oh, that we might learn contentment in our circumstances! How do we learn this amazing trait that brings peace and joy?
1. Truly know and embrace who you are in Christ. You are lavishly loved and adored by your heavenly Father aside from your performance, your looks, or others’ opinions.
2. Have a spirit of gratitude and thankfulness. Go about praising God for all that you see. He is a good God who blesses those who are His with good gifts.
3. Seek peace, and pursue it. As much as it depends upon you be at peace with all men.
4. Trust in the Lord with all your heart, soul, and mind.

Four easy steps. Well, maybe easy, but hard to be consistent in. that comes with practice. All of these things require knowing Christ through His word and through His other children and through prayer.

May you walk in incredible contentment this day knowing that you are loved and adored.


Turning one was pure joy for Hannah Hope Halydier!

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