Prayer and Peace

“Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death,
I will fear no evil, for you are with me.”
Psalm 23:4

Whether this valley of death is our own or someone we love, there is a natural fear of the unknown and a grieving of what was and will not be again. But when we know Christ, there is no fear of death. As I grow in my understanding of and relationship with Jesus, my fear of death has departed. It has also made me more accepting of the deaths of those I love, knowing that I will be with them for all of eternity and that now, they no longer hurt and strive in these earthly bodies but are with God in all perfection, all peace, and all joy. (For in the presence of the Lord there is joy.)

Even here on earth I can enter into that peace and joy through prayer with Jesus and God the Father. Even when circumstances overwhelm me, I can get an eternal perspective and know the God of Love in the midst through prayer. Prayer can change the mind of God, but when it doesn’t and I have to accept that which I cannot understand, I know that it was allowed by God for my good. He is a God of love and knows what I truly need (even the hard stuff) to prepare me for all eternity.

“All true prayer somehow confesses our absolute dependence on the Lord of life and death. It is, therefore, a deep and vital contact with Him whom we know no only Lord but as Father. It is when we pray truly that we really are. Our being is brought to a high perfection by this.” – Thomas Merton

May your prayers be often and real before your Father in heaven who loves you deeply.

Tyler (Ethan’s 2 1/2 year old) in his first real big boy bed.


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