Living Stones


And coming to Him as to a living stone

which has been rejected by men,

but is choice and precious in the sight of God,

you also, as living stones,

are being built up as a spiritual house for a holy priesthood,

to offer up spiritual sacrifices acceptable to God through Jesus Christ.

1 Peter 2:4-5


Jesus is the Living Stone who was rejected by men and is choice and precious to God. Jesus is also the Cornerstone. The cornerstone was the first stone placed on the foundation of a new building. It stabilized the building and, if placed properly, allowed the builders to build with precision measurements making the corners square and the horizontal plane even. All other stones were measured and squared to the cornerstone. We too are living stones, choice and precious in the sight of God. Stop. What? That’s right those who have accepted Jesus as Savior and Lord are the building stones of the Kingdom of God. We are measured by the Cornerstone. Then God begins to chisel away the sins, the rebellion, the stubbornness, the pride, etc., and prepare us for His Kingdom. We are being built up. This is a progressive verb. We are in process, and that’s okay. How are you measuring up? Remember that only the righteousness of Christ through the blood of Jesus can make us fit to be a part of this spiritual house.

We are also part of the holy priesthood that offers us spiritual sacrifices acceptable to God through Jesus. What are these sacrifices? Romans 12:1 says that we are “to present your bodies a living and holy sacrifice, acceptable to God.” This does not mean a blood sacrifice, but rather a living sacrifice of a pure heart, pure motives, pure actions, pure devotion, pure relationships, pure intimacy with God. He does the purifying, we must maintain it as we each live a holy life acceptable to God.

I pray that you will realize your part in god’s Kingdom building and choose to live a holy sacrificial life unto Him.

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