What Really Happened at the Cross? Reconciliation
“What Really Happened at the Cross? – Reconciliation
“For if while we were enemies we were reconciled to God through the death of His Son,
much more, having been reconciled, we shall be saved by his life.”
Romans 5:10
When I have an argument with my husband, there has to be a time of reconciliation – a coming together of heart if not mind, and a renewing of the relationship. An argument is never enough to make me walk away from the one that I love. So it is with God. Reconciliation was a one-time event at the cross, but is also an on-going event as we walk in relationship. I sin or get angry at God. I turn away from His best for what I think I want or need. The relationship is not broken in the sense that I am His daughter forever; it is broken in the sense that I don’t want to be with Him at the moment. Then I fall to my knees in repentance of either the deed that I did, the attitude that I had, or for the pride that I thought I knew better than God. And there, I always find God waiting. He will not walk away from me, He loves me. I will not walk away from Him; He is my Love.
At the cross we were reconciled – brought into relationship with the Heavenly Father – adopted and accepted with joy! And we were given the right as His children, to have an on-going relationship with Him – this Daddy, this Father, this Friend. Reconciliation is a privilege of family. God is always waiting, longing, desiring, and wooing us back to Himself.
What I do does not define me, who I am as a child of God does.
Happy birthday boys!