Rest and Trust
“In repentance and rest you will be saved,
In quietness and trust is your strength.”
Isaiah 30:15
Boy! Does that go against our nature! We want to jump in and fix things. We want an answer now! In the last couple of days before my mom died, she kept asking why God was keeping her alive when she was ready to go home to meet Jesus. I shared this verse with her and explained that God still had a purpose for her – rest and trust. I spoke to a friend yesterday who was anxious about not being used by God. She was feeling as if she wasn’t meeting up to some divine expectations. When I asked her if she had a direction from God and was being disobedient, she replied, “No.” We are urged in 1 Timothy 2:2 to pray for those in authority, “…so that we may lead a tranquil and quiet life in all godliness and dignity.”
Nowhere in Scripture do you find someone begging for God to use them. Rather you find people living their lives, and God calls them to a specific task. Abraham was to leave Ur. Abraham was to sacrifice Isaac. Saul was to go and spread the gospel to the gentiles. God is a big God and able to communicate if we are living a godly life, praying and listening for His orders. So often, obedience is not the problem, but listening is a big problem!!! God commands us to “Be still and know that I am God.” (Psalm 46:10)
If your life is in chaos. If the circumstances seem bigger than you are able to handle, rest in God. Trust Him to work all things for your good. Walk by faith, not by feelings. Talk to the Creator God who loves you desperately and delights in you. Go to Him and rest in His arms and in His lap. This requires turning off the world for a bit and truly praying with you heart open. He will comfort and direct you through His word and through prayer. If you don’t hear any direction, then just rest and wait for God. He is able to get your attention when He needs you.
May you hear God today and rest in His presence. Enter into His presence with praise and thanksgiving then be still.