Encouragement for Women
Encouragement for Women
The next several blogs will be titled “Spiritual Heart Attack”. Any heart attack can be lethal or at the least debilitating. If you survive one, you must change some habits to stay alive. Proverbs 4;23 says, “Watch over your heart with all diligence, for from it flow the springs of life.” If you…
Changes. My in-laws moved from Texas to Kansas into our basement apartment. We are so glad to have them closer. But change is hard on them and on us as we figure out what our relationships will look like and how we can serve one another without getting into each…
Yield, surrender, give up the right. That’s a hard concept. I know what I want. But what if it is not what God wants? I have to yield up my desires to God for what He knows is best for myself, my children, my husband, and my friends even if what is best…
Love is a fruit of the Spirit. Once we have truly experienced the Father’s love, then we are free to love one another. Others are no threat to us – we are loved. Other’s opinions do not matter – we are loved by God. Our emotions will not rule over us or…
Is a Christian sinning if he/she is depressed? How does a Christian deal with depression? The Bible says that Jesus wept (John 11:35), but the next thing he did was to raise Lazarus from the dead (John 11:43). How do these verses apply to me and depression? These verses changed…
On what do you gauge your self worth? Is it your performance, your looks, others’ opinions, or God’s Word? 2 Cor. 5:26 says, “Therefore if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creature; the old things passed away; behold, new things have come.” God says that we are a…