Praying for Ukraine
Ask to see God’s glory amidst great struggle. God often uses very serious situations to draw people to Himself. Pray that He would be glorified through the people of Ukraine who are following Jesus.
Pray for God’s peace to be a source of strength. Pray for the workers there – both expat and Ukrainians to be comforted by God’s shalom peace. Pray that they would have opportunities to share with others because they do not trust in governments, but in God.
Ask that this would open doors of opportunities for the gospel. God has a way of showing up when things are difficult. Pray that He would make His name known across Ukraine and Russia as the result of this conflict. May Ukrainians and Russians discover that Jesus is the only true source of peace, safety, comfort, truth and freedom.
Pray for a culture in which political disagreements don’t lead to hatred or violence. The conflict between Ukraine and Russia can spill over into personal conflict within families, especially when family members live on opposite sides of the border and are influenced by different sides of the “information war.” Pray for unity and a love for one another that supersedes the problems between the countries.
Pray for humility to accept that our brother and sister can have a different political view, and that our religious views should be above our politics. We should not go shaking angry fists at enemies but raising holy hands to God.
Pray that Ukraine and Russia would be places without corruption. Pray for leaders of both countries to know God’s truth and peace and be transformed by His Holy Spirit, that they would seek to lead their countries in the way of peace.
Ask God to deliver Ukraine from evil. May He have mercy and heal this land. May He give Ukraine peace and the chance to develop as a nation that values truth, justice, and freedom rooted in the goodness of God.
Pray for God’s protection. Pray for the safety of people on both sides of this border. Ask God for their physical protection and their spiritual protection. ask Him to help people seek the truth during conflict.
Ask God for comfort. As the war continues from the 2014 Russian invasion of the Crimea region, the thought of more intense war seems overwhelming to the many families who have already lost fathers and sons.
Ask God to bless soldiers’ wives and children with peace and safety while they are separated.
Ask God to intervene. Pray for wisdom as world leaders maneuver, strategize, and speak out. Pray that God would move in their hearts and guide their steps and plans including the Biden administration.