2 Timothy

Energizing Exercise

Energizing Exercise

Discipline. Don’t you just cringe when you hear that word? This is not the punishment of acts committed, although sometimes it feels that way! This is the continual practice of good choices that over time changes our bodies, our minds, and our spirits.1 Tim. 4:7-8 says, “But have nothing to do…



Changes. My in-laws moved from Texas to Kansas into our basement apartment. We are so glad to have them closer. But change is hard on them and on us as we figure out what our relationships will look like and how we can serve one another without getting into each…

Soldier of God

“Endure hardships with us like a good soldier of Christ Jesus.” 2 Timothy 2:3 Hardships are , well…hard. They can be physical, emotional, spiritual, circumstantial, or social. Our flesh will want to take charge and figure out how to get away from the pain and how to solve the problem…

He is Able so Hope

Good morning! My heart is so full this morning of the glory of God in the midst of the evil of this world. I just heard about a friend whose children are expecting conjoined twins. The outlook is not good, and yet, their faith is strong and they remain in…