“Trust in the Lord with all your heart
And lean not unto your own understanding.
In all your ways acknowledge Him,
And He will make your paths straight.”
Proverbs 3:5-6
The key word here is “Trust”. What are we to trust in? what God will do? What God will give us? That God wants us to be happy? No! We are trust in the Lord. Period. Just Him. Trust that He loves you and delights in you. Trust that He sees the eternal picture, and that He will only allow those things into our lives that will prune us and help us to grow healthy and strong. Trust that in the hard circumstances of life that He is there and He cares. Remember that Satan is the lord of this world, and when you live in a garbage pit, you will get garbage on you! When bad things come about, blame Satan, not God. Trust in God to make those circumstances work for your good. God does not call us to be happy, but to be holy.
We are not to lean on our own understanding. God works in another realm. If our trust is based only on what we can see and hear and know, then we are not trusting in God. Trust in the Lord. Not in our abilities, our talents, our education, our looks, our accomplishments, but in the Lord.
The condition put on God leading us and making our paths straight is that we acknowledge Him. Do you seek God and to give Him glory every day in every way? Or are you seeking your own glory? Do you praise God throughout the day giving Him thanks for sun rises and sunsets and everything in between? Do you read His word and see Him transforming your mind? Do you talk about God and give Him glory for every breath you take and every step you walk?
He will make your path straight if you are acknowledging Him. A straight path is a path through the difficulties of life, but one that never compromises to the left or to the right. It is a path of moral purity, a path of growing in God, a path of trust and joy and peace. It is a path that takes you to the throne room of God. It takes you to walk in the garden with Jesus. It puts you on your knees in adoration and praise and thanksgiving in spite of the circumstances.
Don’t trust in the things of this world, nor in other people, nor in traditions. Trust in the Lord. He will make your paths straight.