Thankfulness and Peace

“Let the peace of Christ rule in your hearts,

to which indeed you were called in one body;
and be thankful.”
Colossians 3:15

That little word, “Let”, is revealing.  It tells us that peace is available and waiting for us.  It only takes a choice to experience it.  That choice?  Thankfulness!  It is amazing how many times these two words, “Peace” and “thankfulness” are paired up in the New Testament.  They are linked together in our minds and in our hearts.  When we are thankful, then we experience peace.  Why is that?  When we are thankful in spite of our circumstances, then we are acknowledging God’s authority over our lives and accepting His will for our lives.  In this is peace.  Try it.  List all the things that you have to be thankful for.  Then settle in with a great big smile and a feeling of contentment.

Hint of the Day:   Thanksgiving is quickly approaching.  Begin now encouraging your kids to think about things that they are thankful for.  Let the younger ones trace their hands and write on each finger something that theya re thankful for.  The older ones can cartoon their thanks, or write a letter of thanks to God, or send letters of thanks to people that have touched them this past year.  Make thankfulness a part of every prayer.

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