“Much more then, having now been justifed by His blood,
we shall be saved from the wrath of God through HIm.
For if while we were enemies we were reconciled to God through the death of His Son,
much more, having been recondciled,
we shall be saved by His life.
And not only this, but we also exult in God through our lord Jesus Christ,
through whom we have now received the reconciliation.
Romans 5:9-11
Having been justified – declared righteous through a legal action – now we can also be reconciled.
When Adam and Eve sinned in the garden, all men were destined to be born with a sin nature. Having a sin nature keeps man from being able to walk with God. As Adam knelt behind a bush in the garden fearing God, God walked through the garden in the coolness of the day and cried out, “Adam, where are you?” Adam in his sinfulness hid from God. God, already knowing the sin, prepared a sacrifice to cover their nakedness. The blood of that animal was shed to provide garments of modesty for Adam and Eve. But God no longer was able to walk with them in the garden because His holiness keeps Him from being able to abide with sin, and sinful was man’s nature.
Christ’s blood covers our sin and we are able once again to be in the presence of the Almighty God. The cross did not just give us forgiveness of our wrongdoings, though it did do that, but even greater, it put to death our sinful nature and we are made alive in Christ Jesus! Now, with the blood covering us, our sin nature put to death, we were justified and can now be reconciled with God.
Reconciliation is the reuniting of a relationship. We can enter into God’s presence. We can come boldly before His throne! We can walk in the garden with Jesus or sit at His feet and lean upon His knee. We can dance dance before the King and bow before Him in worship. We can have a relationship with God.
Wow! That is such a big statement! We can have a relationship with God! The Greeks and the Romans would never have thought to make such a claim. The god and gods of this day want to rule over us and to control us, but God wants to relate to us in love and joy! He is our Father, our Lord, our Friend, our Savior. Seek HIm. Listen to His words. Pray to Him. And let His love soak through you and be renewed each morning in His presence. What a difference that makes!
And it is ours throughout eternity! I can’t wait to leap into His arms, snuggle on His lap, sit at His feet, and run with Him through the fields of heaven. But I don’t have to wait! I can do that even now! I am reconciled with Him.