Practical Proverbs for Younger Students NAS
Biblical Life Management Skills training for 9-15 year olds$32.95
Practical Proverbs for Younger Students is geared towards your 5th through 8th grade student, although some 4th graders might be ready for this more indepth study. If your high school student has not thought through and sought God’s Word about some of these topics, they will benefit from this book as well. This book is not an expositional study of Proverbs like our Practical Proverbs for Older Students. This book will give your child some background in the history of Israel and King David and Solomon and the kingdom split under Rehoboam. The topics are found in Proverbs and the author tried to include as much of Proverbs that she could.
Other Old Testament verses are included as well as some New Testament verses and always the grace and mercy given to us by Jesus Christ. The format of this study is as follows: there are 36 lessons on 36 topics. After each lesson is a worksheet. A few lessons have two worksheets. The teacher can go through the lesson and worksheet in one time or they can go through the lesson and assign the worksheet as homework or they can do the lesson one day and do the worksheet the next day. The worksheets were designed to make the topic applicable to the student’s life. All answers are available in the answer key book.
Topics include:
- Wisdom vs. Knowledge
- Who is Wisdom?
- Definitions
- Fear of the Lord
- Law and Grace
- Who God Says You Are
- Self-Esteem
- Wisdom vs. Foolishness
- Receiving Instruction
- Trust
- Fear
- Watch Over Your Heart – Media
- Relationships with God, Siblings, Friends, and Parents
- Contentment
- Money
- Attitudes
- Anger
- Modesty
- Work
- Our Words
- Lying
- Judging Others
- The Virtuous Woman
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Hannah –
I went through this course this year, and I really liked it! It really taught me great lessons about life and the Bible, especially about wisdom. I definitely recommend it to students in their tweens and early teens. I can’t wait to do the next book when I’m older!
Morris –
After talking to the author of this Bible study last year, I purchased it for my 7th grader. I could not be more impressed with it! I really appreciate both the way that important truths from Proverbs are taught, as well as the practical applications in the worksheets. Several times I have copied down some of the thoughts presented and used them in my own personal study! I am very thankful for the author’s heart for teens, and for her desire to write meaningful, in-depth studies for them that are different than most resources I have found. I highly recommend this study!