Pride or Humility?
It is always interesting how God talks to us. I am doing our Bible study through Practical Proverbs with a young lady and the last four lessons have been on pride and humility. We went to church yesterday for the first time in 6 weeks due to our travels and the sermon was on humility. Is God trying to tell me something? Probably! I pray that my heart will be humbled to listen and discern.
And a haughty spirit before stumbling.”
Proverbs 16:18
But a humble spirit will obtain honor.”
Proverbs 29:23
1. Has a good understanding of his relationship with God
2. Is grateful
3. Blesses his mother and father In word and action
4. Acknowledges when he sins and is quick to repent
5. Is content and satisfied with his lot in life
6. Is giving and compassionate towards others
1. Dishonor
2. Foolishness
3. Arrogance
4. Carelessness
5. Insolent
6. Wise in own eyes
7. No hope