Legacy t-shirts
Legacy t-shirts.
“But whatever things were gain to me, those things I have counted as loss for the sake of Christ.” Philippians 3:7
It was so much fun to go back and research the pictures for our family crest. Here is what I included.
The halberds were weapons of war. Someone who made halberds or who fought using a halberd was called a halberdier.
Gold – generosity
Red – strength
Purple – royalty
Green – hope, joy, loyalty in love
Anchor – hope
Catherine wheel – one who is prepared to undergo great trials for their Christian faith
Cinquefoil – hope, joy
Holly leaf – truth
Hunting horn – person of high and noble pursuits
Birth order: 1st– heir, one who is born to lead, trustworthy
2nd– one who has been enlightened, hope of glory
3rd– divine quality bestowed by God
4th– virtue and merit
5th– fidelity