Burnout – The Solution
To overcome burnout, you must balance the following:
Relationship and time with God- Practicing the presence of God / Praise
Practice contentment (Bloom where you are planted)
Rest, relaxation, meditation – Be anxious for nothing…
Good nutrition
Regular exercise
Laughter and play – “Blessed are those who laugh at themselves, for they will never cease to be amused.”
Good support system of family and friends
Husband, church family, one or two close friends
Meaningful work
Don’t overcommit – seasons of life
Be Purposeful – Decide between good and best and too much – (ask what you are trying to accomplish with each activity.)
Change approach – Insanity is doing the same things the same way over and over and hoping for a different result.
Have something that you enjoy doing by yourself – painting, singing, playing piano, gardening, baking, reading, etc… Express the unique you!
Evaluate your self-talk
Keep it Biblical (Take every thought captive.)
Let go of some activities to give time to healing. You worth isn’t about how much you get done. And resting and praying is purposeful and necessary!
Stay in present time – each day has enough worries of its own (Jesus Lord of past, present, and future.) Apply grace.
Reorder priorities – God, Marriage, kids, work
What has to get done at home for family (husband) to feel comfortable – delegate!
What school subjects are a must and which ones are a should and which ones are okay to do
Have a menu – breakfast Mon.- oatmeal, Tues – pancakes, etc.
lunch sandwiches and fresh fruits and veggies.
Dinner – Taco Tuesday, church meal Wednesday.
have a set number times per month that you can go out to eat.
Trade a meal a week with another family
No such thing as multi-tasking; it is really doing many things one at a time and none of them well.
Put margin into your day – Margin is the space between load and limit