Great Books

I know that I have been silent for a while. God seems to be calling me to a time of silence with the world, that I might speak more to HIm. As my body heals, my mind has been free to think and pray and rejoice and ponder. I have been reading some great books (see below) and have had some great conversations with my son, Garrett whom God has in the same place. I am looking forward to hitting the road and speaking and showing at the upcoming homeschool conferences. , but I have also enjoyed this time of silence and solitude. I don’t think we do enough of this.
I am trying a new discipline called Daily Services. This is just a setting aside of time several times a day to focus on God. It may be a few minutes or more. For me it works well to have my devotions in the morning with the reading of God’s word and prayer. Then at 11:30, I am taking out the hymnal and reading through a hymn and spending time in thanksgiving. At 3:00 I am reading a devotional book and pondering its words. Before bed I pray a prayer of examination of my day asking God for insight and forgiveness and seeking to humble myself beneath HIs word. This is a way of practicing His presence all day long.
Books: Anonymous by Chole
Emotionally Healthy Spirituality by Scazarro
When the Well Runs Dry

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