Wisdom from God

“But if any of you lacks wisdom,
let him ask of God,
who gives to all generously and without reproach,
and it will be given to him.”
James 1:5

This is a promise in the word of God and yet sometimes, I don’t feel like God does give me wisdom when I ask then I go ahead on my own and make a decision – good, bad, or ugly.  So what does it mean?  First of all we know that Jesus is the personification of wisdom.  So first we need to be sure that we have Jesus as our Savior and Lord.  Then we need to make sure that our relationship with Jesus is open and growing through confession and praise and prayer.  Secondly, Jesus is the Word of God, so we must know what God’s word says.  There are some things we don’t have to ask for wisdom about because God has already made it very clear that we are to do that thing (pray for our enemies, forgive others, do good deeds, etclll) or not to do that thing (adultery, fornication – living together out of wedlock), lying, etc… ).  If we need wisdom about an act or an issue, we must first turn to Jesus, then to His word.  If we are still not sure, we should seek the counsel of others who have gone that way before us.  “Where there is no guidance, the people fall, but in abundance of counselors there is victory.” (prov. 11:14).  These should be godly men and women whose lives are consistent with the Word of God.

Wisdom comes when we ask God through

1.       Jesus

      2.       The Word of God
      3.       Godly counselors

If you ask for wisdom and still feel that you are not sure what to do then the answer is “Wait.”  It may be the right action, but the wrong timing.  God makes all things beautiful in His time.  So wait for His timing and you will see His hand. 

There was a time when Nathan was reading the Lord of Rings as a school assignment.  I felt a real tug from the Spirit to ask him to put it aside for a time.  I don’t know why.  But he did.  A few weeks later, I felt God saying that it was okay now for him to finish reading it.  Why?  I don’t know.  Maybe it was a lesson in obedience or there may be a deeper spiritual reason that we will never know.  But follow the Holy Spirit’s urgings in your spirit.

     4.       The Holy Spirit

If anyone lacks wisdom let him ask for it.  God will give you the way.  He promises!


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