“”But as for me, I shall sing of Your strength;
Yes, I shall joyfully sing of Your lovingkindness in the morning,
For You have been my stronghold.” Psalm 59:16
Psalm 59 is a cry of deliverance from David as his enemies surrounded him and he was in danger of death. Due to no guilt of his own, his enemies persecuted him David cried out to God to help him. Then comes the decisive word in David’s life: “But…” The word “but” is an indicator that something opposite came before. David is saying that in the midst of anguish and concern, anxiety and peril, he will choose to worship and trust God.
There are probably things going on in your life (welcome to the world) that you are struggling with – grief, death, anxiety, way-ward children, unfaithfulness, peril, job losss, etc… David teaches us that we can lay these burdens before God who is our Strength. We can cry out. We can voice our concerns, our worries, our hate, our anger. We can acknowledge the depth of our pain to God. We can ask Him for retribution and vengeance. But…
Once we have aired our feelings, our hurts, our concerns, we must then do an about face and rest in our Lord’s strength. If God is who He says He is and He can do what He says He will do, then we must turn to Him in trust and for guidance. Life stinks, but… But God. (Period). God is able, He is strong, He is in cotrol, He cares for you, He will deliver in His time, in His way, for ever.
Our job? Sing praises. We are to wake in the morning with a song of praise on our tongues to God. We are to sing praises throughout the day and go to Him for our refuge and stronghold. He is big enough.