Russian Donation Project
God has opened up an opportunity for us to get Practical Proverbs for the Older Student translated and printed into Russian and distributed to church leaders and those in training for the ministry. I am really excited to announce that the Russian translation of Living Beautifully: Practical Proverbs for Women Book 1 and Living Gracefully: Practicall Proverbs for Women Book 2 has begun! Mission Eurasia is partnering with us on this new venture. Their mission statement reads: We evangelize, train, equip, and mobilize the Next Generation in Eurasia to lead churches in transforming their nations for Christ.
Mission Eurasia covers Eastern Europe and Russia and its satellite nations, many of which are at war. They sponsor School Without Walls and train young adults to teach in camps and neighborhoods about Jesus. They also do something similar to the shoeboxes for Samaritan’s Purse. The difference is that all donated monies go to local churches in Eurasia. They buy the products there to help the local economies, and the churches distribute the Christmas presents full of needed items. The contacts are then followed up during the year. Mission Eurasia also holds college and seminary-level classes and trains church leaders. Read more about this amazing ministry at
There is much need in these countries for Bible study material. Mission Eurasia translated and printed 10,000 booklets in 2016 about giving from MB Foundation, where my husband works. These have been used to evangelize and start new churches.
We met Michael Cherenkov, Executive Field Director of Mission Eurasia, through mutual friends. He and his family are living in Hillsboro, KS, where Tracy and I live. Over the year of supporting and getting to know Michael, we began to see that they could use our material in Eastern Europe and Russia. After seeing our materials and watching some of my speeches online, Michael confirmed they could use materials like ours to help disciple others. Michael sees Practical Proverbs for the Older Student (and eventually, the Younger Student book) as a needed and useful resource in that part of the world. After being translated, edited, and printed, 1000 copies would be given to local church leaders and trainers. They would be taught how to teach it, and then they would go out to teach others using this material.
How cool it would be if God can use the words He gave me for homeschoolers in America to reach young people of many nations with His word, His grace, His mercy, His freedom, and His promises! That’s exciting! But to make this happen we need financial support and prayers.
Please pray about giving to help this effort in reaching people for Jesus Christ in nations across the globe by donating to Project Eurasia. 100% of all donations will go to fund the translation, editing, and printing of Practical Proverbs for the Older Student book in Russian. We need to raise $5,040 for the translation and editing for printing the first 1000 books. Will you be a part of this wonderful ministry opportunity?
Each book will be used over and over to disciple many. What an impact the dollars you share can have. Donations sent to Abiding Truth Ministry, Inc. are tax-deductible.