Our Amazing Daddy!
“Do not call anyone on earth your father;
for One is your Father, He who is in heaven.”
Matthew 23:9
This verse is not directed at young children who have an earthly Daddy as their model, their authority, their protectorate. No, rather it is to men. Jesus is saying not to put another human being in the position of model, authority, or protectorate. The next verse goes on to say, “Do not be called leaders; for One is your Leader, that is, Christ.” We are not to even call other men our leaders. God the Father is to be our leader in all things and in all ways. He will guide us if we trust in Him.
No matter whether your earthly father was godly and a good Dad or ungodly and a bad Dad, as an adult, as a born again Christian, you have been adopted into the Kingdom of God and He is now your Father. He is the perfect model of love, forgiveness, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, and self-control. He is the perfect leader and guide because He knows the end and all things from the beginning! Our heavenly Father is a Father who loves His children. He delights in you and wants to be with you. He enjoys your company and wants to comfort you. Visual yourself in the arms of our Great God Father. Let Him put His arms around you. Sit in His lap or at His feet. Walk with Him. He is worthy and He loves you.