News from Moldova

Firsthand Report from Moldova: Hope Amid the Tragedy of War

Dear Tracy and Dara,

I thank God for you and all you are doing to help Mission Eurasia’s outreach to bring relief and hope to the shattered people of Ukraine.

My report from Moldova. I just returned from Moldova where I saw firsthand the tragedy of people who are fleeing from Ukraine—mothers without husbands, and children without fathers, because the men stayed back in Ukraine to fight in the war. I saw mothers pushing strollers while helping elderly family members. These frightened people have left everything behind to enter an unknown country, an unknown future.

Despite so much tragedy, it is heartwarming to see the church respond in such a generous way at our three refugee assistance centers—one in Moldova and two in Poland. These centers are bustling oases of hope! Our staff and volunteers pick up refugees at the border and drive them to our refugee center. Some are bewildered or in shock, but they are all met with warmth and compassion, then served a hot meal while arrangements are made to find housing with local families. We pray with and for these devastated families and individuals, offering encouragement in every way we can.

In Ukraine, the church is also heroically stepping up to help people who can’t escape and are hiding from continuous bombing. Mission Eurasia’s staff, School Without Walls (SWW) team members, and local church volunteers are bravely risking their lives to deliver urgently needed food, water, and other relief supplies to suffering families. So far, with your help, we have delivered 9,000 family food packs to trapped families in Ukraine.

But the need for food is growing by the hour. I ask for your kind support now to rush 35,000 family food packs for distribution in Ukraine and 25,000 food packs to refugees at our centers in Moldova and Poland. Every $50 you give now provides one food pack—enough to help feed a family for a week. I pray you will give generously and be a lifeline for people who have nothing.Pray with me for the refugees. At the Polanka border crossing in Moldova, I was holding the tiny hand of a five-year-old boy, Sammy, who, along with his mother, Nina, and little brother, Leo, had just stepped out of their homeland, Ukraine. Sammy’s other hand was tightly gripping his favorite blanket—it was the only thing he could bring with him when his family fled from their home. The little boy stared at the long lines of exhausted refugees passing through the gate, dragging their bags and suitcases. Then I heard him ask his mother, “Mama, please tell me when daddy is coming. Please, can you tell me? When is Daddy going to come?” His brave mother choked back her tears and said, “Soon, Son, soon…” I don’t know when Sammy will see his daddy again, but I can tell you that Sammy and his family are safe and being cared for by our selfless staff and volunteers at our Refugee Assistance Center in Moldova.

As I was saying goodbye to little Sammy, I promised him that Mission Eurasia would do everything and anything possible to make his life—and the life of the hundreds of thousands of Ukrainians who are running from this terrible war—at least a little easier. Lord, please help us to keep that promise.

Please pray with me that:Sammy will sleep well tonight because he’s not hearing the sound of sirens and Russian bombs exploding in the neighborhood. Pray that God brings comfort to the nearly three million souls who have fled Ukraine with little more than their lives.Sammy and his family are reunited with their daddy soon. Pray that all families who are separated now will be united and please protect our staff and volunteers who are risking all to bring hope and humanitarian aid. Sammy’s deep emotional trauma will be healed. Pray that the mercy and love of Christ will fill every hurting heart.

Please forward this email to all your praying friends and ask them to join us at this critical time!

Gratefully in Him,

Sergey Rakhuba

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