Dara in Action

Take a moment and enjoy this short video with examples of Dara’s engaging and inspiring speaking style.

Dara loves research and studying the Bible, and her books show it! Deeply saturated in God’s word and very applicable to everyday living, Dara’s teachings are fresh and deep. Dara teaches from a well of experience including abuse in her childhood, moving over 36 times, chronic pain and a disability, raising children with learning disabilities, ministry, homeschooling, and all the emotions of womanhood! Her books are practical, challenging, and intimate. She shares her struggles and her triumphs and gives the reader ideas and possibilities for victory in their daily walk and in their Christian growth. These are not self-help books, but rather an opportunity for you to deepen and strengthen your daily walk and thought life with God and His Word. Jesus is our Savior and wants to redeem every part of our lives.

Check out Dara’s Books

Dara has been engaging audiences all across the United States as a speaker for twelve years. She speaks regularly at church retreats and conferences homeschool conferences. Whether she is speaking on raising Godly children or on How to Avoid Burnout or Biblical emotions, her teaching is directly from Scripture and her own life experiences. Dara’s teaching is dynamic and relevant. She uses illustrations that everyone can easily relate to. Dara is very vulnerable and touches on many emotional topics in an intimate and encouraging way. You will walk away with more understanding of the Bible and how it applies to your life. Her teaching is always thought-provoking and challenging as well as entertaining. Practical, Spirit-led, and encouraging speeches are Dara’s forte.

Click here for a full list of audios available from Dara’s past speeches.

Life can be overwhelming! Whether you are a young mom struggling to balance all the chores of life or a seasoned veteran, we can all use someone to listen to us, give suggestions, and to guide us using God’s word. Relationships, marriage, parenting, homeschooling, kids with learning disabilities, organizational challenges, anger, forgiveness, and the role of emotions in a Christian’s life are some of the situations that may occur in your life giving you a reason to seek a mentor. Dara has been a pastor’s wife and a mentor to many throughout the past 36 years. Her experiences of overcoming abuse, relocating over 34 times, raising 5 children, homeschooling, and dealing with chronic pain and a disability uniquely qualifies Dara to empathize and guide others on their life journeys.

 Sign up now for a free mentoring assessment.

Abiding Truth Ministry is a not-for-profit 501c3 under the category of education. Our mission is to Mentor, Teach, and Train children, youth, young women, and families life skills based on the whole truth of God’s word and the freedom they can have in Christ and to encourage believers in Christ and to invite anyone to know their Creator God and Savior.

Our mission is to Mentor, Teach, and Train children, youth, young women, and families…

We strive to meet this mission by attending state and private homeschool conferences across the United States and speaking when invited, by offering to speak at local church groups’ retreats or conferences, and by offering mentoring services to individuals. We are dedicated to offering materials, advice, and encouragement in affordable formats and to being available to those who wish to use our services.

As a 501c3 we have board members who oversee and hold accountable this ministry according to the by-laws and the Word and Spirit of God.

PLEASE NOTE: This ministry is in no way affiliated with Scott Lively or his ministry, “Abiding Truth Ministries”.

Meet Dara

Dara never doubted that God made this world. She has always understood Him as her Creator. When Dara was 13 years old, she asked Jesus to come into her life and be her Savior and Lord. As Dara got older, she allowed Jesus to be Lord over more and more areas of her life.

She experienced Him as her provider, her anchor, her King, and finally, at age 39, Dara was able to crawl up into God’s lap and call Him Father. It is there that she loves to spend her time for in His presence there is joy. Dara loves to sing and dance before her King.

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Conquering Fear

“Now when it was evening on that day, the first day of the week, and when the doors were shut where the disciples were together due to fear of the Jews, Jesus came and stood in their midst, and *said to them, “Peace be to you.”  John 20:19 There is a prevailing theme on the different Facebook pages that I read from pastors to Christian moms – fear and anxiety. Whether it is due to the Covid years or the pace and overload of…